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Newsletter Rehabilitation Sciences
- 30th March 2021 -
Open department meeting
Recently we organized an online open department meeting in two sessions. The aim was to reach you a few interesting and general messages, concerning what’s up in our department. Thank you all for your digital presence and we don’t want to prove the absentees wrong, because you can consult the presentation and report.
All the reports and presentations of the most recent department councils are now also accessible for everyone on our GE37 SharePoint - Department Site. It gives a nice indication what’s going on and what’s decided in the department councils. And that backdoor politics is a House of Cards thing.
ATP Teams
During the open department meeting we introduced briefly our ATP Teams in our department, since we choose a more efficient team minded collaboration for specific topics. We would like to bring two new teams under the attention here.

Team Finance will happily help with all your financial administration (orders, billing, expense reports, follow-up projects,…). We’re letting go the idea of a fixed person of contact for either department budget issues or personal (project) budgets, from now on you can address your questions to de generic mailing address ge37_finance@ugent.be. Behind the scenes Elke Vergauwen (front officer) and Kathleen De Looze will organize and divide the work.

For a good jump start in financial wonderland, check the Finance 101 manual on our GE37 SharePoint - Department Site.

Team HR advises and supports the whole personnel flow and coordinates everything concerning task registrations, education inquiries and feedback processes. Lots of information about personnel affairs you can find on the Ghent University Intranet, GE37 SharePoint - Department Site and the GE37 SharePoint - Employees Site (only accessible for supervisors), but all your questions and messages concerning appointments, reductions, replacements, leave systems,… you can address to ge37_HR@ugent.be.

In the news

StuBru, Wednesday March 3
Prof. Hannah Keppler explains why the WHO predicts that 1 out of 4 people in will have hearing loss in 2050

→ Listen to the interview

Got news? Media exposure? Let it know!

Webinar series

The Flemish Interuniversity Research for Rehabilitation in Internal Diseases (FIRRI), with support of colleagues Marie Coussens, Simon Helleputte and Jan Stautemas, organizes a webinar series "Recent Advances in Rehabilitation of Cardiorespiratory and Internal Diseases”.
Thursday April 22, 19:00 - 21:30
Webinar 1: “The muscle: why and how should we target this crucial organ in the rehabilitation of patients with chronic internal diseases.
Thursday May 6, 19:00 - 21:30
Webinar 2: “Integrating technology in internal disorders rehabilitation, challenge accepted!
Thursday May 20, 19:00 - 21:30
Webinar 3: “Oncologic rehabilitation: the importance of quality that comes with life.”
The webinars are free for academics and students. You can sign up for separate webinars or for the full series.
Read more and sign up

Interdisciplinary Medical & Health Seminars
Behind a pc screen, but still interesting and educational. This spring you can catch an absorbing lecture of an (inter)national top guest speaker.
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On Thursday June 17 our department hosts the seminar. Dr. Sam Scott (University of Bern) is invited by prof. Patrick Calders and will give us a heads up on “The professional athlete with type 1 diabetes: applying knowledge from clinical research to improve performance and health in this unique group of athletes”.
Read more and sign up
Funding grants Ghent University - University of California, Berkeley 

Call in scope of the Strategic Institutional Partnership (SIP) between Ghent University and the University of California, Berkeley to broaden and deepen the collaboration between the two institutions.
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Vacancies GE37
Currently two vacant places in our GE37 inn. Feel free to share the vacancies with potential candidates!
  • Post-doctoral assistant Parkinson (100%): internal and external publication - deadline April 6
  • Post-doctoral assistant Paediatrics (80%): internal and external publication - deadline April 20
Meet James, the socially assistive robot

The pioneers from Daft Punk set aside their robot costume, but James easily fills the void. However, differently and more care oriented. James is used in the ReMIND research project of colleagues Maaike Van Assche and prof. Dominique Van de Velde.

Questions, remarks or suggestions for the newsletter?
Speak up via thibault.bonte@ugent.be!